The Health Nutrition Check 24 parameters
The « Homeopathic Nutrition-Health Check-up » (BNSH) is a set of 24 biological tests carried out on a patient’s serum, the results of which (presented in standard deviations from statistical standards) make it possible to highlight the trend of current imbalances and to propose appropriate solutions.
Learn more
This box can be used by everyone all year round. The individual is in constant search of balance and treatment of disorders. It may be useful to conduct an analysis every 6 months. However, the main indications for using this box are as follows:
- Chronic vascular and digestive disorders
- Allergic or infectious diseases that have not been properly stabilized
- Nervous exhaustion, insomnia, memory problems
- Gynecological or endocrine disorders (for both sexes)
- Dermatological (excluding vitiligo) and rheumatic diseases
- Metabolic and immune boost, after heavy treatments.
How does it work?
The « Nutrition-Health Check-up » (BNS) is a set of 24 biological tests carried out on a patient’s serum, the results of which (presented in standard deviations from statistical standards) make it possible to highlight the trend of current imbalances and to propose appropriate solutions.
So it’s both:
- A screening report for patients who have not yet had a clinical and biological diagnosis,
- A catch-up assessment, when conventional treatments have been tried and the patient is not satisfied with them.
Indeed, the « Nutrition and Health Check-Up » methodology allows us to evaluate the real medical risk (preventive approach) of patients and to correct, by targeted physiological means, the weak points of the different levels of their tissue regulation (with an objective improvement of their vitality level).
The solutions and remedies
The evaluation of these 24 parameters, correlated to clinical symptoms, will make it possible to direct towards remedies likely to make the corresponding dysfunction yield.
A precise selection of plants that will have the optimal effect on a maximum of non-standard parameters.
A precise selection of essential oils. These are taken in very small quantities (about 1 to 5 drops per day, for only ten days. They will be chosen for their anti-infective, digestive or hormonal effects.
A precise selection of Bach flowers. These are taken in small quantities (about 3 to 5 drops per day).
One (or two) of the specific field complexes proposed by the expert system, simple formulas of mineral salts and micro-nutrients, which can be combined with vitamins, to be chosen according to the field highlighted.
and in practice ?
In practice, the analysis we offer you costs 110 €. Our partner practitioners have sampling kits with unique codes, information sheets and instructions for use for sampling. They can give it to you during a consultation.
Alternatively, it is possible to order the sampling kit and analysis online on this site. simply click on the « Order a kit & analysis BNS 24 » button below, go to the shop and order your sampling kit and analysis BNS 24 following the instructions
If you already have your sampling kit, simply click on the « Pay for BNS 24 analysis » button to go directly to the payment for the analysis.
What are we analyzing ?

- Immune parameter – marker of osmotic balance
- Shows severity & presence or not of organ disease and/or nervous tension
- Quantitative analysis of this family of proteins in serum

Alpha 1
- Immune parameter – marker of the body’s first line of defense (acute phase inflammation)
- Shows tendon-muscular inflammation or an anemic tendency
- Quantitative analysis of this family of proteins in serum

Alpha 2
- Immune parameter – marker of the body’s first line of defense (inflammation in the subacute phase / inflammation that lasts)
- Shows mucocutaneous inflammation – lack of energy
- Quantitative analysis of this family of proteins in serum

- Immune parameter – marker of the body’s 2nd line of defense (chronic inflammation)
- Shows inflammation of the liver and activation of the complement system / innate immunity (destruction of foreign tissues) – hepatic failure
- Quantitative analysis of this family of proteins in serum

- Immune parameter – marker of the body’s 2nd line of defense (chronic inflammation)
- Shows inflammation of the lymph – Level of circulating antibodies
- Quantitative analysis of this family of proteins in serum

- Immune parameter – marker of oxidative stress – accelerated aging
- Shows inflammation of tissues in the form of edema or pain
- Quantitative analysis of this type of protein in serum

- Metabolic parameter – Shows the quality of hepatic regulation
- Lipid marker of endogenous origin (created by the body) mainly cholesterol
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Metabolic parameter – Shows the quality of kidney regulation
- Marker for the presence of uric acid
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Metabolic parameter – Shows the quality of pancreatic regulation
- Marker of blood glucose regulation and tissue dryness
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Metabolic parameter – Shows the quality of regulation with the lymphoid system (tonsils/ thymus/ rat/ lymphoid ganglia)
- Marker for the regulation of lipids of exogenous origin (dietary fats) and especially triglycerides
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Metabolic and hormonal parameter – Indicates the presence of chronic viral disease
- Marker of steroid hormone regulation
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Metabolic and hormonal parameter – Thyroid regulation
- Marker for the presence of thyroid hormones and allergic phenomena
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

Euglobulines A
- Immune parameter – marker of oxidative stress
- To identify the constraints that generate oxidative stress
- To identify the causes and consequences of oxidative stress

Euglobulines B
- Immune parameter – marker of oxidative stress
- To identify the constraints that generate oxidative stress
- To identify the causes and consequences of oxidative stress

White Serum
- Serum control parameter
- Analysis of the lipid and protein aspect
- Analysis of its opacity

- Marker of spasms / convulsions / cancer / verminosis
- Liver-related
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Marker for acute or chronic pain
- Liver-related
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Marker of insecurity / inability to relax / nervous tension / bulimia
- Lung-related
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Marker of the desire for revenge / jealousy / fight against adversity
- Lung-related
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Marker of discomfort / polyvaccination / tremors / abscess
- Pancreas-related / spleen / lymphoid system
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Punctual pain marker / decongestion and irritation of mucous membranes
- Heart related / Thyroid / Small intestine
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Marker of difficulty to choose / hypochondria
- Kidney related
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Nervous tension marker / requirement / exhaustion
- Kidney related
- Qualitative reactivity analysis

- Marker of nervous breakdown / will / alcoholism
- Kidney related
- Qualitative reactivity analysis
You do not know any health professionals who propose our check-ups and you would like to be accompanied in carrying out this check-up and to consult with a doctor who is an expert in naturopathy?
Discover our BNS 24 pack & online consultation: